Courses – Spring 2025
Quest courses run in the fall and spring terms, each 14 weeks, along with an eight-week summer session in June and July. Classes alternate weeks, so each course is approximately seven sessions (contingent upon holidays). Classes that meet in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th weeks are designated A-Week classes. Those that meet in the alternate weeks are B-Week classes.
Spring 2025 Schedule of Courses Click on any course name and you will see that course’s webpage. Courses indicated as To Be Recorded will have class recordings posted on the Quest Class Videos – Spring 2025 page. |
In addition to this course schedule, Quest publishes each week on the members-only segment of this website a schedule for the week’s classes called Next Week at Quest. Click Here To See a Sample. |
A-WEEK 02/3, 02/17, 03/03, 03/17, 03/31, 04/21, 05/5 | B-WEEK 02/10, 02/24, 03/10, 03/24, 04/7, 04/28, 05/12 | |
MORNING 10:30 – 12:00 | ROCK AND ROOTS ALBUMS Hybrid / Auditorium Steve Koenig, Wayne Cotter ACROSS THE UNIVERSE In-Person / Room 27 Michael Hamburg, Marion Schultheis | GIVE MY REGARDS TO BROADWAY Hybrid / Auditorium / To Be Recorded Peter Dichter, Arlynn Greenbaum, Sol Makon WONDERFUL BOOKS OUT LOUD In-Person / Room 27 Harriet Finkelstein, Larry Shapiro, Ruth Ward |
LUNCH 12:00 – 1:00 | EXTRAS | EXTRAS |
AFTERNOON 1:00 – 2:30 | CRIME AND PUNISHMENT In-Person / Room 27 Sheryl Harawitz, Patricia Geehr, Andrea Irvine, Ellie Schaffer ARCHITECTURE: FUNCTION, DESIGN, AND STRUCTURE Hybrid / Auditorium Sol Makon, Victor Brenner |
A-WEEK 02/04, 02/18, 03/4, 03/18, 04/1, 04/22, 05/6 | B-WEEK 02/11, 02/25, 03/11, 03/25, 04/8, 04/29, 05/13 | |
MORNING 10:30 – 12:00 | SUPREME COURT Hybrid / Auditorium / To Be Recorded Michael Wellner, Bob Gottfried SCIENCE CLUBHOUSE In-Person / Room 27 Steve Allen, Jim Brook, Marian Schultheis | ARTISTS AND THEIR WORK Hybrid / Auditorium / To Be Recorded Linda Downs, Lynnel Garabedian, Bob Reiss, Ellen Shapiro NEW AND CLASSIC ESSAYS In-Person / Room 27 Steve Allen, Martha Drezin, Ellie Schaffer, Larry Shapiro |
LUNCH 12:00 – 1:00 | EXTRAS | EXTRAS |
AFTERNOON 1:00 – 2:30 | HISTORY OF NEW YORK CITY Hybrid / Room 27 / To be Recorded Ilene Winkler, Susannah Falk-Lewis, Penelope Pi-Sunyer, Michael Wellner GREAT EXPECTATIONS In-Person / Room 15-17 Lynnel Garabedian, Sandy Kessler CREATIVE WRITING WORKSHOP In-Person / Room 19 Helen Saffran, Judy Hampson, Donna Ramer | FILM FOR THOUGHT In-Person / Auditorium Steve Allen, Lois Klein, Jane Lubin, Ellen Waldman ORAL INTERPRETATION OF POETRY In-Person / Room 27 Joyce Hinote, Peter Dichter |
A-WEEK 02/05, 02/19, 03/05, 03/19, 04/02, 04/23, 05/07 | B-WEEK 02/12, 02/26, 03/12, 03/26, 04/09, 04/30, 05/14 | |
MORNING 10:30 – 12:00 | POWER: THE GLORY OF IT In-Person / Room 15-17 Andrea Irvine, David Bartash, Marion Schultheis SHAKESPEARE: CORIOLANUS Hybrid / Room 27 Roy Clary, Jim Brook, Ellie Schaffer | SCIENCE AND SCIENTISTS Hybrid / Auditorum Jim Brook,Steve Allen, Judy Weis UPHEAVAL IN AMERICAN VALUES Hybrid / Room 15-17 / To Be Recorded Michael Wellner, Maureen Berman, Terri Hicks |
LUNCH 12:00 – 1:00 | EXTRAS | EXTRAS |
AFTERNOON 1:00 – 2:30 | CINEMA QUEST: CURRENT AND CLASSIC Hybrid / Auditorium / To Be Recorded Howard Salik, Marian Friedmann, Vince Grosso TIMELESS WRITINGS In-Person / Room 27 Sheryl Harawitz, Mary Ann Donnelly, Judy Hampson, Andrea Irvine | DISTINGUISHED GUEST LECTURE SERIES Hybrid / Auditorium / To Be Recorded Arlynn Greenbaum, Bob Reiss, Karen Levin, Estelle Selzer |
A-WEEK 02/06, 02/20, 03/06, 03/20, 04/03, 04/24, 05/08 | B-WEEK 02/13, 02/27, 03/13, 03/27, 04/10, 05/01, 05/15 | |
MORNING 10:30 – 12:00 | CONTEMPORARY POETRY Hybrid / Room 27 Ellen Rittberg, Mary Ann Donnelly, Martha Drezin, Frida Lipp QUESTER’S CHOICE Hybrid / Auditorium Bob Gottfried, Vince Grosso, Hedy Schulman, Mary Beth Yakoubian | NYC AND ITS ENVIRONS: PEOPLE, PLACES, THINGS Hybrid / Room 15-17 / To Be Recorded Paul Golomb, Bob Reiss, Sandra Abramson OLD TESTAMENT AS LITERATURE AND IN THE ARTS In-Person / Room 27 Joyce Hinote, Peter Dichter, Jamie Sykes |
LUNCH 12:00 – 1:00 | EXTRAS | EXTRAS |
AFTERNOON 1:00 – 2:30 | WORLD OF RELIGION Hybrid / Room 27 Ruth Ward, Bob Gottfried CONTEMPORARY SHORT STORIES Hybrid / Room 15-17 Nancy Richardson, Mary Buchwald, Frieda Lipp POETS’ WORKSHOP In-Person / Room 19 / Meets Until 3:00 PM Judith Winn, Judy Hampson, Helen Saffran |
FRIDAY | |||
Museum of the Moving Image and Greek Lunch – Astoria Queens In-Person
Metropolitan Opera House: Backstage Tour In-Person
Metropolitan Opera – Salome: Final Rehearsal In-Person
Exploring Little Italy: Walking Tour and Visit to the New Italian American Museum In-Person
Museum of Modern Art: Lillie Bliss Collection In-Person
Esther in the Age of Rembrandt: Jewish Museum Tour In-Person