Creative Writing

If you enjoy writing creatively, you’ll have many outlets at Quest. We offer workshops in creative writing and poetry that meet on a regular basis. In these workshops, Quest members share and discuss their work in a warm and supportive setting.
Quest also conducts frequent Creative Arts sessions that encourage members to read their original poems and prose pieces. In addition, some Quest members have written plays that have been performed at Quest.
Another outlet for writers is QNews, Quest’s periodic newsletter which features articles, poems, and stories written by Quest members. Qnews is always seeking new and original material. Past issues are available on our website.
In addition, for more than 25 years Quest has published an annual literary and arts journal called QReview. We encourage members to submit poems, prose and art work for inclusion in QReview.
For many of us, QReview is the first publication in which our work appeared. It’s quite a thrill for writers to see their words in print for the first time. We are proud of QReview and suggest checking out past issues on this website to get a feel of the publication.
Be A Poet, above, appeared in the 25th Anniversary edition of QReview. The poem, an ode to the written word, was composed by Art Spar, a longtime Quest member. We echo Art’s sentiments.