Quest classes run in the fall and spring terms, each 14 weeks, along with an eight-week summer session in June and July. Classes alternate weeks, so each course is approximately seven sessions (contingent upon holidays). Classes that meet in the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th, and 13th weeks are designated A-Week classes. Those that meet in the alternate weeks are B-Week classes.
The Fall 2022 Semester: Tuesday, September 6, Classes begin Monday and Tuesday, September 26, 27, No classes (Rosh Hashanah) Wednesday, October 5, No classes (Yom Kippur) Monday, October 10 – No classes (Columbus Day) Monday, November 21 through 25 – No Classes (Thanksgiving) Thursday, December 15, Classes End Courses at Quest fall into the following categories:- Visual and Performing Arts
Contemporary IssuesHistoryLiteratureScience and PhilosophySomething Extra