Role of Coordinator
Every course has a lead coordinator, generally the person who submitted the course for approval to the Curriculum Committee. Assisting the lead coordinator are up to three co-coordinators who plan all the sessions for the term and choose the presenters. Coordinators are expected to guide and assist presenters as much as possible.
Once a course has been approved by the Curriculum Committee and coordinators have been assigned, lead coordinators must produce a schedule for the entire semester, providing the topic and presenter for each session.
All class information is sent to the Curriculum Committee, which forwards it to the Webmaster for inclusion on the course webpage and to the Technology Committee. All schedule information will be posted on the bulletin board at Quest, and is made available to prospective members in the public area of the Quest website.
Although presenters typically prepare drafts of Next Week at Quest (NWAQ) blurbs, lead coordinators are responsible for submitting final NWAQ blurbs for their courses. Lead coordinators should ensure that blurbs are cogent and concise and are carefully proofread. It is recommended that NWAQ blurbs do not exceed 125 words.
If a scheduled presenter is unable to appear, coordinators must have material in reserve that can be substituted. Only in extreme circumstances should a class session be canceled.
Note: Many classes offered at Quest are presented in the hybrid format, meaning that the course is presented simultaneously live at 25 Broadway and to at-home members. Coordinators should familiarize themselves with the hybrid techniques (such as how far in advance to load the PowerPoint and test any videos) in classrooms as part of their course planning and development.
Whether sessions are presented in meeting format, where material is discussed by the group, or in lecture format, where a single presenter speaks to the group from a podium, the ultimate goal of QUEST is the same: peer learning. We involve members in discussion by calling on anyone who wishes to speak. As many members as possible are encouraged to voice opinions and, if they wish, add information on the subject.